Saturday, May 26, 2007

What do others think?

I have been experiencing writing information overload and haven't had the time to fully absorb all I've learned from the two writing guides I've just read: The Elements of Style by Strunk and White and Style: Toward Clarity and Grace by Williams. I was feeling pretty stupid, to tell the truth, because I haven't yet figured out the way to deal with and apply the writing tips. After reading the blogs of my colleagues, I have the sense they might be in a similar state of mind. Much like what I wrote in my own blog comparing the guides, nothing I read was highly specific in regard to rules and applying them. I enjoyed reading everyone's entries though I didn't find anything that furthers my understanding of Strunk and White and Williams. What I did get from my reading and some commonalities within it was an idea of the particular angle at which I can approach my writing a style rule essay.
An idea recurring in the blogs is Strunk and White's guide being more useful as a reference material and Williams' guide being more useful to writers overall. I wrote about that myself as well. About Strunk and White, Mary wrote "you could just look through the book and find the advice you need" but, she says, "You could never do that with Williams's book." Amber describes Strunk and White as a "quick go-to book," but doesn't think Williams is "as easy to use as a reference guide." The notion reflected in these thoughts is the arrangement and succinct presentation of information in The Elements of Style allow for bite-size tips that are immediately useful.
The trade-up for Strunk and White having easier to find writing tips is their tips lacking depth. Though it requires a closer (slower) read, Williams' guide delves much deeper into explanation and plans of action as far as creating good writing and correcting bad writing. Mary thinks "applying Williams's rules would improve a person's writing more than applying Strunk and White's rules." Amber appreciates the way Williams' guide "step by step tells you how to build your writing" by beginning with crafting sentences and moving to paragraphs and entire documents. The notion in this set of thoughts is Williams' explanations and parts-to-whole approach help to shape writing and style generally.
The positive attributes of each guide that add up to their usefulness seem to be polar opposites. The difference is intriguing to me and has given me the idea to attempt to blend Strunk and White and Williams while writing my style rule. I want to write a rule that is memorable and brief yet is helpful in organizing a work in its entirety.

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